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Constitutional disposition in force since 18th January 1996 solemnly affirm the characteristic principles of the Republic of Cameroon. It is "decentralized unitary State. It is unique, indivisible, civil, democratic and social" (section 1).

Multicultural and multilingual State, Cameroon, taking into account its history, adopts English and French as officiai languages with equal value.

The Motto of the Republic is 'Pecce-Vvork-Fatherland'. Section 2 of the Constitution provides that "national sovereignty belongs to the Cameroon people, which exercise equally either through the President of the Republic and members of Parliament, or directly by referendum". Authorities in charge of managing the State receive their powers from the people by electoral way in direct or indirect universal suffrage. Vote is equal and secret. Legal voting'age is 20.

These principles being affirmed, Cameroon Constitution institutes three principal powers of the State, to wit: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

Organization of the State

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